Tree Removal and Lopper Service Toowoomba

Dealing with Tree Damage on Your Property

Dealing with damage to trees on your property

Dealing with damage to the trees on your property is crucial for ensuring the safety of you and your family and to also ensure the longevity of the trees on your property.


Storm Damage

After storms or high winds, a professional inspection of the trees on your property should be undertaken to check for broken limbs or split trunks. Damaged limbs should be pruned to avoid disease, and large wounds should be treated with appropriate sealant to prevent infection.

Fungal Infections and Rot

Fungi can weaken the internal structure of trees. Our qualified Arborist can check for mushrooms, fungi, or soft, spongy areas on the bark or around the roots. Infected parts should be removed promptly to prevent further damage.

Fungal infection and rot

Pest Infestation

Insects like bark beetles, termites, or caterpillars can compromise the tree’s structural health. Our qualified Arborist can inspect your tree for holes, chewed bark, or excessive insect activity. You may need to treat the tree with pest control or remove infested branches.


Call our qualified Arborist for an inspection and assessment of your trees



Mark Reinbott

Arborist and Proprietor of Tree Whiz Toowoomba

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